Polyamory Diaries 4: We're Having Our Best Sex In Years, Just Not With Other People

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Welcome back to the Polyamory Diaries, where we explore the ins and outs of non-monogamous relationships. In this installment, we'll be diving into the topic of sex within a polyamorous dynamic. Specifically, we'll be discussing how our sex life has evolved over the years and why we're finding that our best sex is happening between just the two of us.

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The Evolution of Our Sex Life

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When my partner and I first opened up our relationship to polyamory, we were both excited about the prospect of exploring new sexual experiences with other people. We went on dates, met new partners, and had some incredibly fulfilling sexual encounters outside of our primary relationship.

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However, as time went on, we found that our focus shifted back to each other. We realized that the most fulfilling and satisfying sex we were having was with each other, and that our bond was growing stronger as a result.

Rediscovering Intimacy

One of the most surprising aspects of our journey into polyamory has been the way it has allowed us to rediscover our intimacy with each other. By opening ourselves up to the possibility of connecting with others, we were forced to confront our own insecurities and fears, which ultimately brought us closer together.

Through open and honest communication, we were able to address any lingering issues and build a stronger foundation for our relationship. This newfound intimacy has translated into our sex life, where we've been able to explore new levels of pleasure and connection.

Exploring New Sexual Dynamics

As we've delved deeper into our polyamorous journey, we've also found that our sex life has become more adventurous and fulfilling. We've explored new sexual dynamics, experimented with different kinks, and expanded our understanding of what brings us pleasure.

This exploration has not only brought us closer together, but it has also allowed us to grow as individuals. We've learned more about our own desires and boundaries, and have been able to bring that knowledge back into our relationship.

Embracing Monogamous Moments

While we still maintain connections with other partners, we've found that our most fulfilling sexual experiences are happening within the confines of our primary relationship. We've come to embrace the beauty of monogamous moments, recognizing that the depth of our connection is unmatched by anything else.

This realization has allowed us to let go of any preconceived notions about what a successful polyamorous relationship should look like. We've learned to prioritize our own needs and desires, and to focus on what brings us the most joy and fulfillment.

The Future of Our Sex Life

As we continue to navigate the complexities of polyamory, we're excited to see where our sex life will take us next. We're open to the possibility of connecting with new partners, but we're also content in knowing that our best sex is happening between just the two of us.

Ultimately, our journey into polyamory has taught us that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to relationships. We've learned to embrace the uniqueness of our own dynamic, and to prioritize the connection that brings us the most joy.

In Conclusion

In this installment of the Polyamory Diaries, we've explored the evolution of our sex life within a non-monogamous relationship. We've discovered that our best sex is happening between just the two of us, and that our bond continues to grow stronger as a result.

We hope that our story serves as a reminder that there are no rules when it comes to love and relationships. Whether you're exploring polyamory or monogamy, the most important thing is to prioritize the connections that bring you the most joy and fulfillment.